+233 506 809736
+64 22 313 4775
Ruth McDowall is a New Zealand born photographer, She studied fine arts at Elam art school Auckland, New Zealand. In 2008 she travelled to northern Nigeria, creating a project teaching street kids photography. Her documentary photography started from these initial years immersed in the city of Jos. She has now lived in Africa for 7 years
In 2015 she received a Photo Reporter Grant to complete a project about youth that escaped abduction by Boko Haram in Nigeria. This project was selected as Times best 10 photo essay of the month, a finalist in Lensculture visual story telling awards 2015 and featured on New Yorker Photo Booth, National Geographic Proof and Raw View magazine.
Some of her clients include Time, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, L’Obs, Esquire, National Geographic Proof, Telegraph, Elle, The Guardian, Le Telegrame, IO Donna, Jeune Afrique, Heinrich Boll Foundation, Al Jazeera magazine, Buzfeed, Bloomberg, Glamour, UNESCO, Action Aid and UNICEF
Ruth also continues her social work teaching photography to at risk youth in west africa www.murmushi.com
Awards, Workshops, Exhibitions, Teaching
World Press -6x6 Southeast Asia and Oceania Talent
Raw View Magazine, “Women looking at Women” curated by Susan Meiselas,
Heroine, Elizabeth Housten Gallery, New York
Presentation at Nuku Studio, Nbuke Foundation, Ghana.
The Fence, Malaiku: Brooklyn, Houston, Atlanta, Boston
New York Times portfolio review
Lensculture Portrait Awards Finalist.
Festival Photoreporter New Work Grant and Exhibition, France
Finalist, Lensculture Visual Story Telling Awards
Heinrich Boll Foundation Grant, Mulitmedia documentary on Internally displaced in Lagos, Nigeria.
Journeys to School, Exhibition, UNESCO, UNHQ, New York
Journeys to School, book , UNESCO
Noor Masterclass conflict in Photography, France
The Last Straw, Lagos Photo Festival, Nigeria
Photo Reporter Festival, France